Kimball Leaders in Training - This is not a drop-off event.
**Pillar Point Bluff in Moss Beach**
Sunday, April 6 - 10:30 am (Leaders-in-Training) & 11:30 am (Participants)

**Please note that an email notice about this event went out with the wrong location in the subject line. This event is at Pillar Point Bluff in Moss Beach.**
We're going to get outside, bond, learn about the environment, and learn positive ways to handle our emotions and reactions. Whether you are interested in being a participant or a leader, this event is open to all abilities.
All hikes in the Kimball series will be easy, and the terrain will be as even as possible. Dress comfortably. This is not a drop off event.
We will have snacks and beverages, but you are encouraed to bring plenty of water.
Parking and location info to come.
Upcoming Kimball series events:
June 1 - Joy & Recycling Review
July 12 - Affection & The Insect World, How they Contribute
September 6 - Anger & Fire Prevention in the Great Outdoors
October 12 - Empathy & Protect the Marine and Wildlife in the Bay
November 9 - Shyness & How do we Keep our Water Clean?
February 1, 2026 - Sadness & Park Clean Up
March 1, 2026 - Worried & Marine Animal Preservation
April 20, 2026 - Fear & How do we Keep our Air Clean?
May 10, 2026 - Disappointment & Plants Plus - Why We Love our Flora, Fauna, and Fungi